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Showing all 8 results

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León Dormido / Kicker Rock


Prepare yourself for a day at sea! Embark early for “Kicker Rock (Leon Dormido)” aboard the spacious yacht. You’ll be welcomed with a delightful cup of local coffee as you cruise along the South-Western shores of the island for a glance at the pristine beaches and native wildlife. “Kicker” is known for being one the best spots to snorkel (or dive) with the Galapagos sharks and hammerheads and its unique geological structure also provides home to a myriad of marine invertebrates, tropical fish, sea turtles, sea lions, and an abundance of sea birds. You will have the opportunity to go snorkeling around the rock for about an hour but if you want to stay longer and spot more marine life or come back earlier, you’re welcome to do so! After you get back to the yacht, we head to one of the side beaches in the area where we’ll anchor and have a delicious lunch on board before we relax on the beach or snorkel the quiet waters.

Manglesito Beach, or Cerro Brujo Beach (depending on itinerary)

Rest place where we anchor with the boat to have lunch. After having eaten we head to the beach where visitors have the opportunity to continue snorkeling or simply relax on the shore, enjoy the sun and get tan. We return to the port at approximately 4pm.

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Darwin Footsteps


Experience the beauty and wonder of the Galapagos Islands with this thirteen-day tour package. Explore the incredible wildlife and stunning landscapes of the islands, starting with a flight to Baltra Island and crossing the Itabaca Canal to Santa Cruz Island to see the magnificent giant tortoises. Journey by speedboat to the largest island, Isabela, and witness the flamingos and turtle breeding center before stopping at the bay to see the penguin colony and other marine species. Fly to San Cristobal Island to visit the Darwin Interpretation Center and dive into the waters of Tijeretas Bay. Enjoy an adventure-filled day at sea, with the chance to see hammerhead sharks and snorkel with vibrant marine life. Hike up the extinct El Junco volcano for a breathtaking view of San Cristobal Island. Finish your journey at Lobo Island, where you can swim with sea lion pups, marine iguanas, sea turtles, and spotted eagle rays. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to discover the magic of the Galapagos Islands!

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Join us for an unforgettable 6-day adventure filled with breathtaking scenery, thrilling activities, and memorable experiences. From hiking through stunning national parks to exploring charming local towns, this trip offers the perfect blend of excitement and relaxation. Indulge in delicious local cuisine, bond with fellow travelers, and create lifelong memories as we journey through some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world. Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to discover the beauty and wonder of our world.

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La Isla Bonita


Don’t put away those snorkels yet, because today you will have a chance to visit Lobo Island! The island is located just a few minutes from the port. We’ll embark onto a speedboat to get there. Lobo has its name due to its large numbers of sea lions and it’s considered to be a nursery place for baby sea lions. Its special geological formation and unique location make a perfect place to snorkel with the pups, as well as other marine species such as marine iguanas, sea-turtles, spotted eagle rays and many more. After snorkeling, if the time of the year is right, expect to walk on the small island trail for a chance to spot colonies of sea birds and their chicks such as blue-footed-boobies, frigate birds, sea gulls and more. Head back on board for a relaxing time on “Ochoa Beach” where you’ll have a chance to relax and enjoy the clear turquoise waters.

INCLUDES: boat, snorkeling equipment (mask, snorkel and fins), fresh towels, PNG Naturalist Guide, food (lunch), snacks, bottled water, coffee or tea.


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Tour 360


If you want to see some of the most iconic places in San Cristobal, this tour is for you! Alongside panoramic views, an array of activities in the spots such as snorkeling and trolling fishing, you will definitely get in touch with nature boating around the entire island. Some of the places include Kicker Rock, Bahía Sardina, Pucuna and more!

INCLUDES: boat, snorkeling equipment (mask, snorkel and fins), fresh towels, PNG Naturalist Guide, food (lunch), snacks, bottled water, coffee or tea.

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Española Island


Española Island is one of the most under visited places in the entire archipelago. Due to the limited carrying capacity of the island’s ecosystem, the Galapagos National Park has limited the amount of visitors to this site. During the excursion, you will have a chance to see the albatross interacting with one another, as well as other reptilians, seabirds and mammals just a few feet away from the trail. This is a unique scenario for birdwatching, given that this is the only place in the world where the Waved Albatross nests, so you will not see them anywhere else but on this little island! Also, don’t be surprised if you find dolphins and whales on the way there or back from the excursion.

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Isla Lobos


Don’t put away those snorkels yet, because today you will have a chance to visit Lobo Island! The island is located just a few minutes from the port. We’ll embark onto a speedboat to get there. Lobo has its name due to its large numbers of sea lions and it’s considered to be a nursery place for baby sea lions. Its special geological formation and unique location make a perfect place to snorkel with the pups, as well as other marine species such as marine iguanas, sea-turtles, spotted eagle rays and many more. After snorkeling, if the time of the year is right, expect to walk on the small island trail for a chance to spot colonies of sea birds and their chicks such as blue-footed-boobies, frigate birds, sea gulls and more. Head back on board for a relaxing time on “Ochoa Beach” where you’ll have a chance to relax and enjoy the clear turquoise waters.

INCLUDES: boat, snorkeling equipment (mask, snorkel and fins), fresh towels, PNG Naturalist Guide, food (lunch), snacks, bottled water, coffee or tea.


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Galapaguera & The Highlands


Early birds can enjoy the sea lion colony along the Malecon (boardwalk) before breakfast, then board the vehicle for the “highlands.”  Here you’ll climb up to the top of the only fresh water lagoon in the islands, “El Junco,” named after a flowering plant that grows in the area. It’s an extinct volcano that has become the home of several species of native and endemic plants and animals. It takes a few minutes to get up to the top and enjoy the mesmerizing view of the west side of San Cristobal. Be warned that it can get cloudy and misty within minutes and at the same time it can get sunny and clear. If the conditions are right, we will go around the crater for a better view of the area. After completing the short hike, we’ll come back to the bus and head to the “Galapaguera” where we’ll visit the giant tortoise breeding center along a short hike through the facility to spot species of native and endemic birds; then come back to the bus to head to “Puerto Chino,” a beautiful beach to enjoy the hot equatorial sun where you can relax and sunbathe or go explore its surrounding area where you’ll find amazing landscapes and wildlife! Next, enjoy a wonderful lunch in the highlands at one of the ranches nearby; you’ll be able to pick fruit right off the trees and relax in one of the hammocks before we head back to town in the afternoon.


INCLUDES: boat, snorkeling equipment (mask, snorkel and fins), fresh towels, PNG Naturalist Guide, food (lunch), snacks, bottled water, coffee or tea.